
CS DUKEE, 29 November 2023

The DUKEE 2023 conference, led by Cohort 4 students, offers a unique opportunity for fellow students to showcase innovative research and ideas across diverse disciplines. The event features invited speakers from industry, including representatives from IOP, Space Forge, and CSC Connected, offering valuable insights into real-world applications. Find more information on the website: CS DUKEE  2023.

CS DUKEE, 30 November 2022

This year’s event, in central Cardiff, named CS DUKEE (Compound Semiconductors Driving UK and European Excellence), gave Cohort 3 students the chance to exercise their project management, time management, creativity and negotiation skills, and also allowed Cohort 2 to showcase their own research in a series of slick and effective 15-minute presentations.

Student organisers attracted leading industry speakers to give keynote talks. Gerry Thurgood of Thermco Systems (who also generously sponsored the event) discussed the UK’s Semiconductor Strategy, and Mr Enrico D’Angelo, Parkwalk Advisors, shared his knowledge of commercialization pathways for deep tech university spinouts, to give students a feel for how to grow their ideas once they graduate.

The day finished with a panel focussed on careers in the industry, featuring Caroline O’Brian, CEO of Kubos Semiconductors, whose world leading technology is transforming the future of LEDs, Sean Redmond, CEO of Silicon Catalyst UK, an incubator focussed on CS solutions, and Gerry Thurgood of Thermco Systems. Read blogs of this conference: Future CS leaders showcase skills at CS DUKEE

Impact, 24 November 2021

Our Cohort 2 students organised the 2021 event for fellow students, academics and industry partners, in which they explored the work that is currently being done by the CDT and the impact it is having. They looked at how new tools are being developed for industry, new avenues for physics are being developed, and how this work is being shared to maximise its value. They also took a look at the challenges that researchers are facing to maximising the impact of their work, and the opportunities that arise from the connected nature of the project. More details can be found on their dedicated ‘Impact’ website..

Brightening the Future, 25 November 2020

Our Cohort 1 students designed and organised a half-day event for the Cohort 2 students as well as the CDT’s supervisors and industry partners. The programme included speakers from CS Connected, National Physical Laboratory, Newport Wafer Fab, Rockley Photonics, Seagate and SPTS. We are very grateful to all of the presenters and to all those attended. More details about the event are on the dedicated ‘Brightening the Future’ website.

ADIFF: Researchers Making a Difference in Wales, 27 November 2020

After a three day training programme at the end of October, run by award-winning Science Made Simple, our Cohort 1 students jumped right in and got involved with ADIFF European Researchers Night activities. See if you can spot them in the Researchers’ Gallery

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